Below will be 20 most crucial words for your journey in the Russian language. It will help you communicate in the best way with just a handful of words. You won't be able to make sentences with them, but all of them can be used by themselves too.
1. Привет (Privet) - Hello (informal)
2. Здравствуйте (Zdravstvuyte) - Hello (formal)
These two greetings would be all you need for you to say "hello" to strangers and friends.
3. Да (Da) - Yes
4. Нет (Net) - No
Simple expressions of "yes" and "no" that you can use regardless of the setting, whether it's formal or informal.
5. Спасибо (Spasibo) - Thank you
6. Пожалуйста (Pozhaluysta) - Please
7. Извините (Izvinite) - Excuse me/Sorry
It's always good to use these just to be polite.
8. Как дела? (Kak dela?) - How are you?
We ask literally "how are things" in Russian when wanting to know how a person is doing. Here are the possible answers:
9. Хорошо (Khorosho) - Good
10 .Плохо (Plokho) - Bad
Depending on how you feel, use one of these. But here's some question words:
11. Где? (Gde?) - Where?
12. Когда? (Kogda?) - When?
13. Почему? (Pochemu?) - Why?
14. Кто? (Kto?) - Who?
15. Что? (Chto?) - What?
You can these either as a one-word question or a part of a long question. To say "goodbye" we say:
16. До свидания (Do svidaniya) - Goodbye
Literally means "until next meeting". And in case you want to order something to drink at a cafe or restaurant:
17. Вода (Voda) - Water
18. Чай (Chay) - Tea
19. Кофе (Kofe) - Coffee
20. Молоко (Moloko) - Milk
That's the whole list! But if you want to keep going, BeFluent will be a great continuation of you learning journey. Click the picture below to be taken to BeFluent: